
1�0�101010�0�1 2003-01-10, 11:09 a.m.

wonder wander

I have decided to change my third field, finally. I was never actually thinking about anything anyway, not anything interesting or profound, anyway. It was generally about food or self-loathing, and there's enough of the latter going on in the diary entries to begin with.

So, I've decided to keep track of the weirdest thing I see in San Francisco every day. This place is a big ol' freakshow, and there are plenty of fun things to see. This will also encourage me to get my butt out of my 30th floor office and down on the street to enjoy the city a little more.

Changing this field poses the problem, of course, that now all my archived pages will be funky. That's OK though.

I am having lunch with my cousin today. I learned not long ago that she works about a block from my office. She also used to live down the street from A. when he lived in Oakland.

My father comes from a family of eight children. He is the youngest. I have like 25 first cousins on his side alone. And some I never really knew growing up. KB is one of those cousins. I knew her sister because she would always fly to Ohio to visit my grandmother. But KB and her other sister (whose name I can't remember, d'oh) I never really knew.

She's very cool though. Educated and funny and smart. I do like talking to her about the family. My family members are sort of self-depricating but proud about being part of this clan. They spend a lot of time analyzing what makes them them.

(Like their tendency toward a sort of morose silence, and awkwardness with other people. Their diligence and work ethic. Their battle with clinical depression. Their track record with raising sons who turn out to be drifters.)

It's boring here, so while I'm waiting for lunch to roll around, I'm sitting here pondering some things. Like:

Is it OK to wear sapphire earrings like these at my wedding, even if I'm carrying red roses as my bouquet?

Why am I so hungry all the time?

Why is it impossible for me to get out of bed before 6:45 in the morning, even though I know I could get a better parking spot if I got up earlier?

Why did ABC take Sports Night off the air (I've been watching the first season on DVD and it's a remarkable show, maybe even snappier and smarter than The West Wing, I dare say)?

Why isn't anybody updating these days?

Why are we villifying Iraq for personal gain and getting away with it?

Why doesn't anybody enjoy highballs and martinis in the afternoon like they do in John Cheever stories?
