
1�0�101010�0�1 2003-07-22, 9:16 a.m.

the dog days

I've been feeling very bad about neglecting this site lately. I've been in sort of a strange place — vehemently avoiding life as I knew it B.W. (before wedding) and attempting to float around in some cheerful, "Far From Heaven" wife-like oblivion.

But we all know how long that's going to last.

I tried to tell my therapist the other day that I didn't want to use my weekly appointment with her to dredge up everything that's wrong with my life when I'm in a really good place right now, feeling very content and confident. She said to me, "Therapy doesn't have to be all about problems. We can talk about the good stuff too."

And then we just looked at each other for awhile.

Because, per usual, I don't find the good stuff all that interesting. Not for my therapist, anyway. Is my insurance company paying her $75 a week to hear about the good stuff? I feel like I should save the good stuff up for my mother.


On to the next project. A. and I have been talking for nearly as long as we've known each other about getting a dog. And, though we've promised ourselves to wait a good long month, to find a vet and buy supplies and get all emotionally ready for it, low and behold, we found a promising candidate while browsing online the other day.

We love her. And I'm trying to be all cool about it, because I'm the hyper one in our relationship, always wanting to jump into something before we're good and ready. So I haven't said anything more about possibly dropping by the adoption site to meet her.

Then this morning, as A. was dropping me at BART, he said: "Let's go to the city to visit Lulu this weekend."

And I gave him a giant hug. Because he is the most wonderful husband in the universe.
