
1�0�101010�0�1 2003-01-06, 10:37 a.m.

It's Joan of Arc's birthday too

Today is my birthday.

I didn't even remember until about 20 minutes after I woke up. After I'd showered and was about to put on my clothes.

A. woke up, and the first thing he said to me was "Happy birthday."

He remembered. I love him so.

I don't actually expect people to remember. (My father forgets every year.) It's so close to Christmas and everything.

My coworkers are throwing me a pizza birthday lunch. I didn't even expect them to know it was my birthday.

Tonight we are going to a restaurant where the chandeliers look like jellyfish. I am going to eat oysters. Yum.

I am now 29. It feels weird to be 29, much more so than it felt to be 28 or 27. It does feel different, more so than I expected it to.

I'm glad to be leaving my 20s, as I think I've said before. They were interesting years. I can't say I didn't accomplish some pretty cool things in my 20s. Graduated from college, moved to a new city, traveled the world, moved to California, got caught up briefly in the dot-com thing, wrote a book, met an incredible person who turned out to be my soulmate, got engaged, and will get married, all in my 20s. And met some incredible people who influenced my life endlessly and taught me things about friendship and love I never knew before.

My 20s were also somewhat tumultuous, though, and I'm hoping to leave some of that stuff behind me.
