
1�0�101010�0�1 2002-09-05, 4:02 p.m.


I'm trying to wind down after a very, very busy day.

My boss TT told me yesterday that I was being bitchy to this woman in our company (who herself is known for being a world-class bee-yatch). I thought that was inappropriate, considering that no matter how crabby I get I'm still by far the sweetest person on our team. But it still made me paranoid.

So I've been trying to handle the million pointless requests of the day with grace and poise. That has not been easy.

It feels like fall. Even though it's pretty warm outside during the day, the evenings have been cool and crisp. I love fall and wish we had better ones here in Northern California. Being an Ohioan (and one who hails from the Appalachian end of the state) I miss the firey hills and cool evenings, the smell of wood smoke, bundling up at football games (and I don't even like football).

Fall was always when I fell in love too. Beginning of a new school year, something about the cold weather that makes me want to nest, I guess. I still associate the smell of wet leaves and the warmth of a furnace kicking on for the first time with the cheap, sweet-smelling perfume I wore when I was dating the boy who gave me my first kiss. I can still smell it in my mind.


I was getting ready to write something disparaging about a new work colleague with whom I just got off the phone, but I'm not going to. I'm going to stay positive. Grace and poise, grace and poise.

A. and I are getting crabs for dinner tonight. They're on sale at Draeger's. And fresh corn. I've never eaten crabs before — I've had the meat, of course, but have never had to crack the shell to get to the good stuff. Lobster either. I'm not used to working that hard to get my dinner.

I'm supposed to hear from the Monstrously Large Corporation today about whether or not they want me for their final two. God, I can't wait to hear. The suspense is killing me.
